Philosopy of Dr Lefkowitz

Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck)—Anatomy

The abdominoplasty is a surgery that provides incredible results, correcting the anatomical changes that may occur in the abdominal wall after pregnancy or weight gain/loss.Specifically, surgery will re-tighten and contour the fascia (hard covering) over the abdominal muscles without hurting the muscles themselves.Additionally, we can surgically remove a significant amount of excess fat and skin, transforming the appearance of the abdomen.

  1. Abdominal Wall Fascia—this is the covering of the paired rectus muscles.During pregnancy or weight gain, the internal pressure stretches the fascia and the muscles become lengthened and splayed, commonly referred to as rectus diastasis.Due to loss of elasticity, the fascia may not be able to return to its prior length.
  2. Rectus Abdominus Muscles—Vertically oriented paired muscles stretching from the bottom ribs all the way down to the pubic region.During pregnancy or weight gain, these muscles become splayed out with a separation between them called rectus diastasis.Many patients feel as a result that their core is very weak and unsupported.
  3. Subcutaneous Fat—this is the fat layer under the skin but above the muscles and fascia.This fat is made up of 2 layers.The bottom layer is called Sub-Scarpal fat.Dr. Lefkowitz actually shaves this entire layer off during surgery which is fairly unique as most surgeons do not take the time to do this.The end result is a flatter and more contoured abdominal region.
  4. Umbilicus (Belly Button)—During an abdominoplasty, a new belly button is not made during the surgery.Dr. Lefkowitz will use YOUR belly button and meticulously create a new opening for it to be seen. During this part of the surgery, he can often improve upon the current appearance of the belly button.

Dr. Lefkowitz brings a wealth of experience with this operation and his expertise will guide him in helping you get the results you are looking for.

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