A browlift is a wonderful procedure that can restore a more youthful appearance and also help improve the the look of “heaviness” and hoodedness of the forehead and eyes. Often times, patients complain of excess upper eyelid skin and difficulty with their vision. They attribute this to excess eyelid skin, however, a low set brow is often the main culprit. Together, a low set brow due to age and gravity along with excess eyelid skin (dermatochalasis) can produce a tired and angry appearance even when you are not.
Ideal Brow Position and Contour:
- Women: The brow should rest about 1cm above the bone that is above your eyes (superior orbital rim) with a gentle arch of the hairs on the outside 1/3rd of the brow
- Men: The brow should rest at the top of the bone that is above your eyes (superior orbital rim) with minimal to no arch of the hairs
Frontalis Muscle: The forehead has one large vertically oriented muscle called the frontalis muscle. This muscle is responsible for raising the eyebrows. When this muscle is activated and used, horizontal creases can be seen on the forehead. This is the muscle that Botox is injected into to create a smoother and less wrinkled forehead. However, due to age and genetics, many patients have brows that drop and become lower, giving an older, tired appearance.
Retaining Ligaments of the Eyebrow: These ligaments help hold the eyebrows in position. As we age, these become lax and allow the eyebrows to descend into a lower position.
As the eyebrows droop over time, the frontalis muscle has to work harder to keep the brows in acceptable position creating deeper wrinkles on the forehead. When the muscle is not active, patients often feel a heaviness of their forehead along with a more aged appearance.
A brow lift will improve the position of the brows as well as the contour of the brows to produce a more youthful and feminine appearance for women and more masculine and youthful appearance for men.
Dr. Lefkowitz will personally review your options and help you choose the best treatment plan to fit your aesthetic goals.