Philosopy of Dr Lefkowitz

What is a Browlift? An Overview

As we age, our brows (both men and women) descend due to gravity. In addition, genetics can also play a role in where brows are positioned. For women, the aging process also changes the shape of the brow, often times leading to a flattened appearance that loses its arch over time. A low set brow can produce a tired or irritated expression. When the above occurs, a brow lift/stabilization procedure can naturally and gently reposition the brows for a more youthful appearance without creating an unnatural or artificial look.

While there are a number of ways to reposition the brows, Dr. Lefkowitz routinely employs popular methods to do so without creating an unnatural or “operated on” appearance.

  1. Pretricheal Brow Lift: This technique involves making about a 1.5inch incision just at the front hairline above the brows on each side. This allows excellent access to release the tethering structure of the brow (arcus marginalis) to allow the brow to be gently repositioned in the appropriate position without looking unnatural.
  2. Gliding Brow Lift: This technique involves using a tiny pinhole access incision near the front hairline above the brows on each side. This allows a specialized instrument to release the ligamentous tethering structure of the brow (arcus marginalis) to allow the brow to be gently repositioned in a more youthful and appropriate position without looking unnatural. The term “Gliding” comes from the fact that the brow “glides” on top of the underlying frontalis muscle and is then sutured in place with a technique called the “Hemostatic Net.”
  3. Temporal Brow Lift: Some patients only need a small tweak to lift to the outer part of their brows, often times for contour. This technique involves using small incisions just in the hairline to gain access to just the outer aspect of the brow to gently lift and reposition this part of the brow in isolation.

Browlifts can be performed as a standalone procedure or more commonly with eyelid lifts (upper/lower blepharoplasty) and/or face and neck lifts for a more comprehensive approach to facial rejuvenation.

Dr. Lefkowitz will review with you any and all considerations to help you achieve your goals and optimize your results to create a more youthful, balanced and natural appearance.

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