Philosopy of Dr Lefkowitz

Deep Plane Face Lift Basics (Why and the Difference)

The deep plane facelift avoids the problem of the tight and windblown look of many facelifts. Additionally, it lifts the cheeks by releasing the tethering points of the face (the facial ligaments) to produce a more powerful but natural lifted appearance.

The “deep plane” is the term used to describe the anatomic plane that exists between the SMAS-platysma complex (the most important layer in facial aging) and the deeper layer of muscles responsible for facial expression. In a deep plane facelift, we focus on the release and movement of muscle and fat layers. This avoids the “overdone” look and provides a naturally youthful restoration of the facial anatomy, as opposed to the traditional facelift, which just pulls the skin with minimal suturing of the SMAS layer

During a deep plane face lift, Dr. Lefkowitz will elevate the tissue necessary to release the important ligaments that tether the face and contribute to an aged appearance. Once the ligaments are released, this allows the facial tissues and skin to be lifted in a way that is tension free avoiding an “overly tightened” or “wind blown” appearance.

The first ligaments released are the zygomatic ligaments. These tether the cheek, and their release allows drooping cheeks to be elevated. This restores the shape and volume of the midface, recreating the heart-shaped face associated with a more youthful appearance.

Other ligaments released are the masseteric, mandibular and cervical retaining ligaments. The release of these ligaments in the deep plane allow for a more fluid and natural lifting to the lax tissues of the face including the cheeks and jowls. This results in a more sculpted and defined jawline.

The deep plane face lift (and extended deep plane facelift) was created to more effectively and naturally lift the drooping tissues that occur due to gravity and age.

An Extended Deep Plane Facelift can help address signs of aging of both the face and neck. Most often during the aging process, the neck becomes saggy, and with the lower face, contributes to loss of jawline definition and contour. In these patients, an Extended Deep Plane Facelift will give the best results. The term “Extended” refers to including the neck muscle-fascia system (platysma) with a deep plane facelift for the most comprehensive approach to rejuvenation. Dr. Lefkowitz continues the deep plane into the neck, which more effectively rejuvenates the neck and defines the jawline. Fully releasing the mandibular and cervical retaining ligaments is key to allowing for full rejuvenation in this area. This, combined with the release of the zygomatic and masseteric ligaments in the face, is the definition of an Extended Deep Plane Approach to Comprehensive Face and Neck Lifting. A very powerful technique called a platysmaplasty is also performed at the front of the neck to complement the deep plane components of the surgery.

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