Philosopy of Dr Lefkowitz

Deep Plane Facelifting For Women in their 40’s and Early 50’s

Recently, there has been increased interest in facelifts in a younger subset of patients who are looking for a rejuvenated appearance. Surgical rejuvenation often will give these patients the longest lasting and most natural appearance. Often these patients describe:

  1. A genetic tendency to form jowls, drooping cheeks and a loose neck at an early age
  2. Feeling 5-10 years older than their chronological age
  3. Failure of non-invasive treatments like fillers and facial tightening devices to provide the desired result
  4. Time constraints which do not allow for multiple visits a year for less invasive treatments to maintain their appearance

Surgery is often the best answer to these issues, and avoids frequent and costly non-surgical treatments such as filler, that does not fully address the causes of facial aging. Dr. Lefkowitz strongly believes that treatment plans should be developed based on what bothers the patient and the associated anatomical issues causing those concerns. Thus, a treatment plan is not based on age alone, but is developed to best give patient their desired result.

Benefits of Facelifts in Women in their 40’s

Facelifts performed in younger age groups provide a very natural appearance due to the youthful nature of the skin. With advanced aging, our facial tissues become atrophied, thinner, and less supportive. This can cause the the face to appear more taught. A facelift in the forties will last much longer than one performed on a patient in his or her sixties. Essentially, the younger and healthier the tissue, the better the results!

Surgery vs Fillers/Tightening Devices

Face and neck lifts are more expensive than fillers and other types of non-surgical treatments, but the benefits are much more significant. In addition, once a good surgical result is obtained, the need for fillers and other interventions is lessened. Most importantly, there are significant limitations to non-surgical treatments. They do not address many of the anatomical issues surrounding the facial aging process, and often will not provide lasting, meaningful results.

With that said, Dr. Lefkowitz will help you develop an individualized treatment plan and approach to fit your goals and lifestyle.

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