With age, the face loses youthful volume. The cheeks begin to droop, and the neck demonstrates muscle banding and visible excess skin is evident.
For some patients, a Short Scar Facelift is a great treatment to address your most bothersome areas. These terms are used in a variety of different ways by surgeons and patients alike. Dr. Lefkowitz believes that addressing the concerns of the patient, along with the anatomical findings that correlate with the concerns, is the best way to achieve great results. He will help you develop the least invasive treatment plan to address those concerns, which may include Short Scar Facelift.
Scars for this procedure can vary to some degree depending on the goals of the patient. This may include a scar only under the chin (Necklift only), or it may only require a partial scar compared to full face and neck lifts.
However, if a longer scar is necessary, a deep plane face and neck lift will ensure that there is no tension on the skin allowing scars to heal significantly better than if any tension was placed, such as with traditional methods of face/neck lifting.