Philosopy of Dr Lefkowitz

The Aging Face: Overview

With age, certain features of the face may change. The appearance of the neck often softens due to laxity of the platysma muscles (called “banding”) and is often first noticed. Jowling and drooping of the lower part of the face along with sagging of the upper cheeks are also very common early presenting signs of facial aging. In addition, loss of fat volume from the face and skin due to thinning, sun damage, etc also contribute to the look of increasing age.

Youth is often associated with a Heart Shaped Face, which is wider near the cheek bones and tapers upwards towards the hairline and downwards towards the chin. This, in combination with a well-defined jawline and neck, are the hallmarks of a more youthful appearance. Transitions from the upper, mid portion, lower face and neck that are smooth without significant folds or contour issues portray a rejuvenated appearance. With time, the Heart Shaped Face gets Flipped Upside Down, with the bottom of the face becoming wider and the upper part of the face getting more narrow. This is called “Radial Expansion” of the lower face. In addition, facial folds get deeper and facial contours become more harsh.

When considering treatment for facial aging, it is very important to understand these anatomical changes that occur. Many patients believe that sagging skin is mostly to blame, however, aging actually occurs due to the changes in the tissue BENEATH the skin (the muscle, fascia, and fat). These components are much more important to the process than skin stretch.

Treatments that do not address the true reason for aging produce an inferior result, and often times lead to patients being unhappy.

Dr. Lefkowitz will meticulously discuss the aging process with you and help you develop an individualized plan to best address your concerns and help you achieve your goals while considering your lifestyle and timeline for recovery.

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